Our strategy for the Wyoming Office of Tourism to improve post-trip engagement was three-fold. Based on marketing research we conducted, we recommended they: utilize Snapchat in more meaningful ways around the State; develop and improve their existing sticker program; and commission the development of an interactive app that encourages visitors to become brand-ambassadors for the state.
Here, updated stickers would be designed as a collectible souvenir visitors could acquire by visiting different regions of the state. Though the stickers would be free, we recommended that they be used as an incentive for visitors to sign into guest books or sign-up for the WOT newsletter.
In our proposal, the recommendation for WOT to develop their own an interactive app was inspired by the idea of getting visitors to become brand ambassadors. Visitors who downloaded the app would have the opportunity to earn points and trophies by completing weekly challenges. Some challenges would included sharing photos on social media, and collecting stickers located around the state. As the the user completes the challenges and earns points, they can cash in their points for Wyoming-branded apparel and prizes.
A lot of hard work and time went into our proposal for the Wyoming Office of Tourism, including a full 15-page write-up outlining all of the details of our proposal, market research results and deployment timelines. The hard work paid off in the end, however, as our group (aptly titled New Corgi Consulting) took first place in the competition.
As a bonus, here is logo for our group's consultancy firm!